Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Amsterdam was Fully Sick

Thinking I'd be physically fine after a 16day contiki tour is a bit of a stupid thought.

I was initially pretty proud of myself for not getting some form of flu/crazy cough...but thinking about it.. many hours of breathing the same air as 53 fellow travelers in a bus with no opening windows. HAH!

First night in Amsterdam and I'm forcing my cousin Emma to touch the golf ball that is protruding out of my neck "feel it! It's amazing"
Next morning I awake to discover that the golf ball hit puberty and is now a tennis ball with a first born child located on the other side of my throat. Thank you contiki!!

When i awoke the next morning, as well as the inability to swallow, I generally felt pretty unwell and it would have been cool to see if an egg could be scrambled on my head.
Sooo, Kath and I went off to find a medical centre.
First time..unlucky - no chance of an appointment, but they sent me to another centre around the corner. This was promising, the initial lady was awesome and said I could book an appointment...then the official admin lady told me I probably wouldn't need a doctor...
"It's not that bad, these things happen, you'll be fine by tomorrow so just take some paracetamol and losengers, go to the chemist and they'll fix you up. it probably feels worse than it actually is"
I think it was hard for me to convey to this lady that when you're traveling in a foreign country and spend the entire day seeking medical advice, it usually means you have zero bars of health left on your "game of life" screen, but hey - kudos to her for attempting to soften the blow.
I followed her advice and just went into a chemist and asked if they could give me anything to fix me...and yes...the advice given "you need to see a doctor" joyfull joy joy.

As much as I'm bitching and moaning, it all worked out in the end, the chemist gave me the address of a good medical centre and I booked myself an appointment. Huzzaah!
I Waltzed through the streets on my lonesome while Katherine and Emma skipped along canals and had amazing adventures! I got lost a few times, but eventually got there and now I feel fantastical.

Amsterdam, thank you for you kind medical advice.


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