Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Contiki lyfe

Well, let me tell you folks. It has been one heck of a month. Apologies for the lack of updates, but um yeah.. Contiki barely gives you time to scratch your own arse so a blog entry was just out of the question.
I don't really know where to start with Contiki... what a crazy whirlwind of amazing scenery, places, and last but not least. PEOPLE.
I don't know if we hit the lottery with the people on our  tour but it sure felt like we did. I have met people from around the globe that i can safely say are friends for life! And now we have some pretty cool people to meet up with during our American adventures! Wooohoo.
Okay just a funny tidbit, i can am currently on a train leaving Amsterdam, and... my ipod has just started playing colplay-Amsterdam?. LIFE IS WHACK?!?
OK. A typical Contiki day involves:
*Waking up at some ungodly hour. 6.30/7ish. And no.. it doesn't get any easier. Ever.
*Eating a free breakfast. Win. I had bacon, eggs and beans prooobably 13 out of the 15 mornings. Healthy n stuff.
* Driving through lovely scenes, stopping off in towns along the way to our main destination.
*Bus singalongs, history lessons on the places we were visiting. (York had crazy history. Ireland was just out of this world for me personally. Let's just say i didn't pay a lot of attention in history classes, so learning about "the trouble" and civil war blew my face off.)
*climbing some sort or medievil ruin or sussin out a kick arse castle
* checking into our hotel.
Usually around 6pm
*hit 8pm we're out eating and drinking at a local pub!
*10pm we move to our pub/bar of choice, dancing and sing a longs with the locals.
*12pm. Time for erin and Katherine to head home while the energy filled Contiki kids head to another bar. Could safely say we were part of the granny clan.
*pack bags for tomorrow, finally hit the hay by 1/2am
Yep. Pretty full on for 16 days straight. But an amazing experience that we will never forget or regret.
Just ah.. couldn't do many more of them. Maybe if they were a little shorter. The early mornings would eventually kill me i think. Some people were getting straight into another 45dayer Contiki after ours. I reckon that would be some form of torture for erin and I.
Great times. We totally cried when we had to say goodbye to our new friends :( Also, i don't think i have ever laughed as hard as I did during those 16 days. We spent, an entire dinner time at our loch ness lodge, in hysterics. 1 and a half hours of pure insanity. There's no point going into details... because things are never too funny when you try and explain them.
But YEAH, Contiki was great guns. We love our Contiki family!

More stories to come when we stop having fun! Which will be like...the few times we are stuck waiting for boring dumb planes.
Trains are the shit by the way, I was so sleep deprived because I couldn't stop looking at the amazing views while we

Katherine signing out

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