Saturday, May 25, 2013


SO we are coming to the end of our Europe travels. We landed in Amsterdam on the 6th of may and are now in Berlin for a good week, off to Stockholm afterward's, then that will close our Europe chapter!

It's only been 2weeks of travel but by golly it feels like months. In those two weeks we have been toooooo *drum roll*... Amsterdam, Paris, Annecy, Florence, Zurich, Lucerene and Barcelona. Quite an accomplishment I feel. In most places we only had two full days to explore. So things have been pretty mental.
have arrived in Berlin with some pretty poopy weather, it has forced us to kinda slow down a bit which is good. we have plenty of time here so my inner sloth will now blossom once again. Not that we even woke up ridiculously early during those two weeks.. but a 9.30 wake up compared to 10.30.. can make or break me. I keep blaming genetics. it's a thing I swear.
 When people harp on about their body clocks getting accustomed to early work schedules after a few weeks or whatever... pffft.. that's some sort of medical marvel in my eyes. My body will never, ever allow such a thing. Mornings will always be some sort of gateway to hell. I know that sounds absolutely over the top, but that's how I feel in the morning okay? Don't mess with morning k-dog ya hear?

Any waaaaays. What i'll do for you now kiddies, is break this shizzle down. A bad ass euro rap up (wrap up? see what I did... I'm going to wrap things up with a rap? YEAH?)
of events, you dig?

Erin pretty good at making up rhymes sometimes
so she gun chyme in all in good timin'

ok ok check check the mic one, two. KJ knows whats coo'
Amsterdam attic was manic, Erin couldn't speak.
throat swallon lyke some sort of freak.
KJ and cuz Emma strollin tha streets all day. Got lost three times over.
but we ain't got no grudge to hold
Erin checks in on day two, feeling better, woopy doo!
 We shop till we drop.
Them Amsterdam dayz flew.
Pce out amsty, our hearts belong to you.

hold up, now we in PARIS!
Sleeping next to a renovation site, them hammers be smashin all night!
Talkin to some locals with Belgium beers.
 won dem waiter boiz hearts while we be all "cheers!"
 We be putting on that aussie girl charm.
Dem French can be.. "French" but they don't mean no harm.
So I say to Paris, MERCI BEAUCOUP. Hold on up, hold it awn up!!
I am now finished with this loop.

Erin checks in raw. who needs to rhyme. Erin ain't got the time.

"Let's skip ahead now to Barcelona. Where the sun don't set till late.
Full day of sightseeing and too much Sangria.
we danced into the night and the beats were great.
Primavera was freaken cool, filled with bearded men, cheap booze and fun.
Had one beer. fuck that- give me water and coffee yeah woo!
Us old peeps can party too."

woah woah, let's bring it back now that shit was raw.
Let's bring it back to where we shwas.
 No no that ain't no typo, that my slang.
Get use to dem werds while you be hur reading this thang.

let's roll on down to Florence shall we.
 3 trains to get to this city, by the end we were going crayyyyzeee.
Them trains, dey  will play with yo mind.
good thing we had a knowledgeable seat buddy who was very kind.
she  be all "yo i'll watch over yo bags so they don't get stolen!"
she was like our mum, This lass was golden.
Florence stole my heart. From the wining and dining to the scenic driving
IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OKAY?! THAT COOL WIT CHU?... yei uh, stay wit me now.

It's here that I finish with Zurich bishes, so listen closely or y'all miss this
Hey now listen up Z-dog!
you remind me of home, where everything costs and arm and a leg.
If we didn't eat-in every other night we'd be forced to beg!
from our balcony we had a great view of you!
we played chess in your parks and wandered your canals which was pretty Coo'.
you gots a mean shopping strip. but we caught your public holiday!
 no shopping for us, maaan dat be kind of a trip!
ya gettin me G's!?
Zurich we dug ya okay?!
 would have liked to stay longer what more can I say!


_____________________________(I hold absolutely no responsibility for the time you may have wasted reading that pile of ... ACE suggestion would be to sing it to your favorite gangster beat)

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