Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The burden of silence

I don't know what it is about this apartment we're living in that makes it so quiet. Maybe the LACK OF NOISE!? But seriously.
Apart from the chavs that yell and rave at about 5pm on the dot every day. It is so so so sooo quiet. We don't really have a tv arial, so can only watch dvds, which means we rarely have tv playing at night during our "down time".
Now you're probably thinking. That's lovely. "A nice quiet getaway after your London day adventures". Which is true.
BUT! erin and myself are pretty ridiculous people. And we are finding it very hard to deal with eachothers loud eating habits, even water drinking habits AND EVEN the way we breath at times. We have no ambient noise to cover anyyy of these grating sounds from our overly sensitive ears.
I'm actually listening to my ipod as I write this because erin is eating cauliflower and cheese, and let me tell you. The sound of her chewing, makes me want to harm people.
 Erin has actually tapped me while typing this, and told me to pull out my headphones so i can watch her dramatize the way i've been breathing for the past 2minutes. She is in hysterics over it. Aparrently I breathe like  a pug while lying down and typing. .... okay .. hilaaarioous.
the first time she brought it up it was funny, she was aaalll laughs. Now she's got her serious voice on and telling me I need to control my breathing a  little better. She's being polite... kinda through her teeth though? Where you know she just wants to punch me.

We just can't win! Breakfast time doesn't even happen at the same time anymore. We haven't discussed why. But secretly I think we both know.

1 comment:

  1. when I travelled with my friend claire for 6 months, just her saying good morning to me when I woke up put me in a bad mood :) I instigated the 'Tuesday rule' where every Tuesday we did our own thing..it really helped! I am pretty much the most neurotic thing ever and even the way she said 'ta' instead of thank you annoyed me. :D
