Monday, April 15, 2013

people and places

Blog tiiiime.
Hey all! This is Erin giving you the gift of London today :D
So at the moment most of our days start by us waking around 9/10am...because why would I want to wake up any earlier...I have my whole working life for them early mornings people! 

We've been busaaye. Our amazing cousin and her male friend have been showing us an awesome side to London. Lots of markets, nice eats and we've been walking to most destinations which is a great way to see the city. I'll post some photos as the end of my rants so you can see the fun things we've been up to!

Before I treat you with that, I have STORIES!
Now...I know it seems there's an underlying theme of transport in most of these blog entries, but really...there is nothing quite like a good transit fuck up to put you in a good mood. This happened about 2 nights ago while Kath and I were heading to Leicester Square to have some cocktails with our friend Vicky and her brother.
Google maps was the first evil in this scenario. Why did I listen to googlemaps? God knows...but we decided we would do the 10min walk from our apartment to the 'Highbury and Islington' station, this 10min walk turned into an hour walk because we had no freaking clue where the station was and google maps is a piece of Shiite.
Anyway...we found Canonbury station instead, yahoo. We looked at the tube map and had a pretty good idea that we needed to catch the Victoria line and then change over to another line to get to where we wanted to be, but just to be sure, we thought we'd double check with the transit information box. I can't even describe how wrong his "help" was and I can't even put it into words. So below is a map of our chaotic tube journey.
 red= our amazing journey         green= how it should have gone down

A trip that should have taken under an hour...took 2. And now we are masters of the tube stations.

Another thing we're starting to notice in our time being out in the big wide world is that odd people exist everywhere...and for those of you at home who are lucky enough to hear a good Jago rant, it usually involves some interaction with a fellow human. And the human is usually a bit out of sorts and/or totally beyond self awareness it hurts.
This great trait of attracting colorful characters has definitely followed us in our journey. I think we must have kind eyes or some kind of jovial banter vibe about us.
The other night kath, myself, cousin Mel and her man Dan  were traveling home on a bus. We hear this loud disorderly voice travel up the stairs to the top level of the bus and he's already locked his eyes on our little "posse". By the end of this interaction I had held a crusty jam jar once filled with beer, Dan had held the mans umbrella for the entirety of our journey and we were each offered multiple sips of beer from this jam jar. Harmless man but annoying man, just sit down crazy man...and let us sit in peace.

Another fun time happened to Kath and myself last night while bussing back to our apartment. This woman and her son waltz onto the bus, crazy so drunk, but happy it was entertaining to watch. Her son sits on the seat in front of us and then his mother slumps beside him and tilts her head back, so her eyes are now level with our eyes :) YAY! 
She then starts a great old rant about how her husband abandoned their son because he couldn't handle the fact that she, his wife, had left him for another woman and that her son was also gay, she then yells "BUT WE'RE ALL A BIT GAY ANYWAY AREN'T WE?!" At this point I love this woman, she's a champ and THEN some.
 When I thought things could t get any better, she locks eyes with us again and starts singing Dancing Queen by Abba...kath and I actually started to join in, but our singing was just whispers and as we all Stepped off the bus the mother and son team could still be heard singing Abba at the top of their lungs.
I love you mother and son!
So the fact is even though people are odd, sometimes it can be very entertaining - like the mother and son team...and other times it can be frustrating and boring - like holding a drunk man's jam jar.

Now I leave you with photooo's!!

 parker, the curious pooch, somehow creeped into the city farm and caused a ruckus
 I know it's meant to ve a sword. But all we could see was a cameleon vomitting
 Hackney flower markets. people and flowers everywhere!

Beer and Pizza and SUN, at crate. on the canals

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