Saturday, April 13, 2013

London living

WELL, we've been in London for about 5 days now.. and things are great. so many things to see and do! We are staying in Islington which is a pretty great area, nice pubs, good beer, amazing chav neighbours. Our apartment is rather fancy but stands directly next to some lovely council flats. So we get to hear some pretty great conversations. I think it was the second night in that we heard a girl screaming at the top of her lungs. "get off me get away from me!! GET THE FRICK OFF ME!" (worse words were possibly said)Anyyywayyy, we feel we're getting the true londoner experience.

Now. Transport. Erin and I keep saying "we have to get things wrong once to get it right the rest of the time!" this motto helps us keep our cool so we don't murder eachother , it's a good  motto! On the second day we caught our first
ever bus. It was a changeover bus, so the bus drivers were tag teaming eachother, which meant the doors didn't open straight away.
But we're dumb tourists ya see, who did not realise what was occurring.
So when the doors don't open straight away, I naturally start smacking them thinking it's a manual thing that I have to PUSH OPEN. Then I hear the new bus driver yelling " stop STOP JUST A MINUTE! JUST HOLD ON NOW". To which it all kinda starts sinking in. Embarrassing to say the least.
I pulled the "sorry, I'm a dumb tourist" card, which managed to get a smile from him.
But it doesn't stop there....

 After like7 stops the bus terminates and we realise we're going the wrong way, but we aren't too fussed because EVERYDAY IS AN ADVENTURE?  The bus driver seemed more annoyed than us with the whole muddle up. Just calm down? was quite strange. but he was helpful in the end, directed us to the right bus stop.
We finally arrived in oxford circus, did some shopping. Made it back home hellah easily thanks to our motto!

Well that's all I have in me at the moment. Typing a blog on a Samsung galaxy tabLeT IS ACTUALLY THE WORST THING EVER? SEE THAT THERE I DINT MEANT TO PUT CAPSLOCK ON! and I DINT EVEN PUT THAT QUESTION MARK THERE? THIS THING JUST DECIDES TO PUT WORDS AND PUNCTUATION IN WHEREVER IT DEEMS FIT.The amount of words I've had to erase. crikey.I should probably look into it. hopefully there's a way to turn off "smart arse galaxy predictive word mode". Spelling I can deal with. but dont tell me
 what my next word is going to be. It also breaks my paragraphs up in terrible ways without me knowing then i can't undo it. So just DEAL with terrible English most of the time please. thanks.

xoxox Katherine.

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