Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In Transit

Okay. We have landed. Already spent one day wandering around London. But I feel, before we start talking about this amazing place. We need to discuss.. our flight experiences.

Flying hey? hurts your bum. Sitting down for 15 hours is never a good thing. Trying to sleep for 7 of those hours? Even worse. In the past two days I think erin heard me whinge about how uncomfortable those seats were, at least 6 times.

I will never understand the rush people have, to get onto a plane. Pardon me if this sounds like a seinfeld observation but seriously, everyone... will fit on. Calm down. You've paid for your ticket, you have your seat booked, the planes not going to leave without you. So STOP RUNNING TO THE GATE LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO MISS OUT ON SOMETHING? We actually had a man so close to us in the boarding line that my back pack was scraping his chest. I just kept swaying from side to side.. against his man boobs. At this point it was 1am and i was ready to start a fight. But I kept my cool.

Had two token crying babies on both flights. It's mandatory. they didn't scream for too long. Also quite surprised i haven't caught some disgusting bird flu because the people on our flight who coughed or sneezed all night did not feel the need to cover their mouths.Humans... pfft

I look like shit after any flight. no matter how long. 3 hour flight I look like balls. You can only imagine after 18hrs of flights how i looked, like someone had punched me in the eyes. we kept wondering why everyone else looked so good.Getting
onto our final flight, the boarder security man checked my passport against my shit face, and he says "that's not you!" to which i replied "you got me!" and we laughed lots ... but i look back and think he probably legitimately thinks, you look so bad right now, that your passport photo is actually flattering.

I think that wraps up most of our in transit experience. I'm sure erin will fill in anything i missed.

until next time!

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