Wednesday, April 10, 2013

In transit TAKE TWO

Alrightyyy. Katherine has kicked off this blog thang. So I feel it only fair that you should all read about the same thing. DEAL WITH IT.

So, yes. Flying just sucks balls. I actually think I managed to sleep for a decent 4hrs which is an improvement to some of my past flying experiences. Even after a solid nap you still feel like shit when you wake up. Half my time in that chair was spent micro nodding like a champ, my poor little neck.

This may sound ridiculous but I actually spent a great deal of time on that flight trying to think of a contraption that could be attached to the seats that would just prop your head up...almost like a really comfy FACE VICE That could contain your head so your brain doesn't have to wake you up every 10min to jolt your head back to a normal upright position. I might draw a picture of this later and post it. I might get rich.

Katherine's blog made me laugh a bit...mainly the part where she mentions that after the flight it looked like her face had been punched. 
I hadn't told her my thoughts on this until just now, while we were both drinking a huge bowl of coffee in Heathrow airport ...I kid you not, I looked at her face and thought "Shit. Katherine looks like she's been punched in the eye socket". And only just now after reading her entry I felt I could share that with her. She's aware of it, and now I can laugh hysterically at that fact. So great.

Ummm, also as I'm flicking through my book of flight mind is reminding me of a bizarre yet humorous encounter with a fellow passenger. I will call him....Tony! 
Tony sat directly in front of me during our flight from Singapore to Zurich. He was great because he just sat there, didn't overdo the seat recline and...wait...but he did sneeze so loud that it jolted me out of a deep sleep. God dammit Tony! anywaaaay, as our plane is in "descending" mode he for some reason decides he'll try sneak in another nap, in doing so he wedges his hand between his seat and his wife's seat. So kath and I just see this limp hand jolt through the seats directly infront of us,  and not only that...on second inspection kath and i both realise that this man has only half a thumb and a yellow curly "fingernail" growing from what seemed like his knuckle. Lordy lord, 12 hrs of flying and that is all it took for us to lose my minds.
Please try to envision and understand that I'm not being a nasty was just fucking funny.

Well that is all I can manage at this stage.  Currently just red red wine and watching the Office (the original British version of course!)

I'll leave you with these pretty flight faces! Enjoy 


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