Saturday, June 29, 2013

common encounters

After 3 months of travelling, we feel we can start compiling a list that highlights the most reoccuring travel encounters/experiences we've had thus far. I don't know how much this list would resonate  with other long term travellers.. but whatever here it is.

Number ONE- People farting
Maybe it's because when you travel you're out and about more, walk past more crowds. but we have heard people fart rather loudly on numerous occassions. definitely enough times to make it to this Airport luggage claim, crossing the road, train rides.worst offender= old man on the Aaron islands. clapping his butt cheeks on at least 4 separate occasions. within a 20minute period.

Number TWO- crossing the road.
I don't know what it is. but crossing the street in a different city automatically feels alien. actually I do know what it is.. it's the fact I've never ever walked these new streets in my life. so of course it's going to be  a LITTLE different. Erin and I become way too cautious for our own good. Hesitation is 90% likely 100% of the time. Arguments occur often. yep. erin and I can have a mass blow up about crossing the road. it's true. shit gets raw.

Number THREE- Music
The music we've been exposed to in many bars or shops eerily remind us of home. Main offenders include creedence, grimes, coldplay, sting. on multiple occasions a few obscure songs from our teen years have made us tearfully joyful (jewel, postal service, James Taylor)

Number FOUR- Finding a place to eat.
This is becoming a daily struggle. 3months in you almost wish your mum was slamming one of her signature home made dishes down on the table for you.

 Number FIVE- tag team illness
Strange things have occurred. I'll be feeling shithouse one day, possibly puke. Erin will hang shit on me. Then the very next day or even a few minutes later. We will have shared the same "ill fate" Has happened at least five times. Is it a twin thing? probably.

Number SIX- Getting on the grog too early
We will have walked a whole city and seen a sufficient amount of shit by around 5pm most days. So naturally that's when we decide to grab a drink! but alas.. we have learnt the pubs that like to party.. tend to do it later. which causes a problem for our way of drinking. Our motions are generally as follows
Get drunk
reach peak at 7
drink more
 head home by 10
Meanwhile.. as we're about to rest our weary heads.. we'll probably  miss out on some sort of epic...nighttime..funky.. cool .. stuff. Or even just missing out on a crowded bar filled with some sort of atmosphere. we seem to drink in many empty bars. people needed work less and drink more.

Number SEVEN- Being a lazy tourist

" You should definitely do this" "eating this is a must" "have you not seen that yet?!"
Listen now, I'm not saying we hate suggestions. I would love to eat all day, and make my way to every monument ever created. But after a few months of doing everything, you just want to do nothing. then suddenly eating the world's best burger is no longer on the top of your priority list. If my body agreed with eating shit everyday I would happily oblige. but alas it does not.


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