Thursday, June 13, 2013

greyhounds .... modern transport

 erin and I have tried to cut costs in certain areas to make this travel journey last as looong as possible. Things such as halving meals.. they're big enough here in America anyway.. walking a shitload instead of catching taxis... aannd, catching the odd greyhound can save a good amount of mullah.

We caught our first greyhound today..Portland to Seattle..when youre sitting there waiting for the bus you kinda take a look around and notice that most of the people lining up to catch the bus, could all easily be put into that category of "loony person you try to avoid on the streets". Aaaand i wish i could say i was exaggerating? buuuut. I'm not. and they all have the same back stories that they're just dying to tell anyone who listens. young kids breaking free from their abusive homes, a guy running away from his wife, some dude just got out of gaol..token hippie 21yr old American backpacker wearing a bandana and some tribal beads. It don't get much more stereotypical than this. yes all those stories were happening on this bus.

 Our bus driver was amazing, full of energy. somehow a hot headed Latino lass immediately got off on the wrong foot with him so they were yelling at eachother constantly.
This fiery lass got stuck helping out a severely fragile old lady, she sat next to her to help with her bags and walking and living etc.. at our first pit stop, we pick up a few extra people and we're allowed a toilet/smoke break. Latino lass leaves the fragile lady for a few minutes.. i kinda start noticing this elderly woman is slowly falling sidewards, she can't seem to hold her own weight up. just as i'm noticing this L.L (latino lass) comes back in and shares some concern with the bus, regarding the ladies health. people starting giving advice. she's a diabetic so people are just giving her some soda and candy... but at this rate she's drowning in a pool of her own sweat.
The bus driver decides to ring the ambulance, somehow L.L blames the bus driver for how it's all gone down.. kinda can't explain the argument because i feel this bish was just yelling at anything and anyone.

 soo the ambulance comes and the guys realise they need to lift this lady out with a harness thing. they get the harness around her and start dragging this poor lady out of the bus. They then DROP her. the ambulance men DROP THIS LADY. This triggers L.L TEN FOLD. she's besiiide  herself. starts attacking the ambo drivers and somehow blames the bus driver again..
 Once the poor old lady is off the bus, we are back on the road.

bring on greyhound number 2

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