Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Stockholm syndrome.... Not rly

I'm going to jump back about two weeks or so and share our time in stockholm. Because you're all dying to know...

Day one!
We checked out Gamla Stan. Strolled through its kickass alley ways. Browsed the cute stores. Contemplated purchasing an amazingly terrible shirt filled with owl faces.. Didn't buy it.. Still regretting it..
After this we head into the main city centre, the heavens decide to open which forces me to purchase umbrella number threeee (I keep chucking my umbrellas in the bin defiantly, like.. Hinting that the weather man needs to start behaving)
We take shelter in a pub called the queens head. Known for its selection of micro brewed beer.
We had a great pale ale. HOW GOOD IS PALE ALE! 
Trip advisor assisted us in our next venture. A restaurant pub called Kottbaren. It's a butcher themed setup. It was amazing to say the least.
The people serving are dressed as butchers, white coats n all. Served us amaaazing cocktails, that erin promptly chundered up when we got home.
The cocktail maker was singing songs during his serving. And um he sang jewel. HE SANG A JEWEL SONG! It wasn't one of her fucking top hits man.. This was underground first album shit. Raw. I think I nearly cried. I was a hardcore fan back in my young tween years.
So this place was the icing on the cake to an all round great day.
On the way home we caught the wrong traaiin. But all was not lost. We got the opportunity to see some hares! Running around the other side of the tracks. So this is how it went down. Male persued female, female puts up a fight but eventually gives in.. They mate. THEN, another male comes in running around lookin fo a piece o' dat female hare. So it's on now, all three running around like crazaye. Life is brutal for the female hare I tell ya, I felt for her.

Day two!
Went to skansen, djurgardsstaden. Which is a lovely slab of land in stockholm filled with forresty canal goodness!
We hit up the aquarium. The fish were boss, all had their own quirky personalities.
We headed towards a lovely natural walking trail... That was littered with FLESH EATING ANTS. needless to say we quickly turned around. (They probably weren't flesh eating.. But three crawled up my leg and that was enough drama for me)
After soaking up some raaays, thanks to the amazingly sunny weather. We headed into slussen! Walked along the canal, visited the photography museum. Didn't go into the exhibit but it had a cool beer and food seating area next to the canal. So we sunk some pale ales, ate amazing lamb snags, and thought to ourselves. THIS IS THE LOIFE BRO

So there you go. Some insight into our travel habits, what we dooo, where we eat. Most places kinda have the similar routine of shopping, drinking, eating.. Visiting a nice park. And repeat.

Riveting stuff right there.

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